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The United States of Hoodoo

  • 8 10
  • 2012
  • 100min
The United States of Hoodoo
  • Original Title: The United States of Hoodoo

A personal journey to interpret the death of a father becomes a revealing experience about the true motivations of traditional African religions in the United States.

The United States of Hoodoo

OFFICIAL SELECTIONS: BlackStar Film Festival/  iRep International Documentary Filmfestival/ Planete Doc Film Festival/ Revelation Perth International Film Festival/ Black World Cinema/ Lichter Filmfestival/ Our Image Film and Arts Festival/ Planete Doc/ Minneapolis Underground Film Festival/ Evil Music Festival

The United States of Hoodoo, Revealing the truth about African spirituality

After the death of his father, writer Darius James returns to his childhood home in New York in search of answers about his progenitor’s past. In this city, James begins a spiritual journey where several people linked to traditional African religions talk about the role played by our ancestors in our existence on a daily basis.

With his incessant walk through the streets of New York, James not only wants to discover the truth about who his father was in terms of spirituality, but also to clear the taboo that hangs over the ritual and deities originated in the black continent and its various traditional religions such as Voodoo, Yoruba, its derivative Palo Mayombe and others.

An ancestral frequency expressed in drum rhythms with electronic brush strokes, a collection of African masks, a painting by Cuban painter Wilfredo Lam, illustrating a dance of spirits, are just some of the magical moments experienced by James and his friends.

Together they demystify African spiritual world and debate its influence, in all aspects and dimensions, in today's American society.

Oliver Hardt
Oliver Hardt Director

Production Companies

FunDeMental Studios

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