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  • 9 10
  • 2020
  • 40min
  • Original Title: Dissipatio

In one of the countries most affected by the pandemic, a man faces a long quarantine in the solitude of his apartment. The routine gradually becomes hell, but also poetry.


OFFICIAL SELECTIONS: Ji.hlava International Film Festival/ Festival dei Popoli/ Laceno d'oro

Dissipatio. When the quarantine is hell

During the quarantine, time for the filmmaker Filippo Ticozzi has turned into something unknown. 

He tries to remain still and silent, interacting only through reassuring technology, afraid of anything unexpected, while his home turns into the kingdom of that new creature that was time. 

Writing in the notebook. Taking a nap. Listening to a friend's voice on the cell phone. Being away from everything that happens out there. Now the truth seems even further away than before.

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