Life Mixture

  • 8 10
  • 2002
  • 59min
Life Mixture
  • Original Title: Mixtura De Vida

Serene and educational, in this documentary the colorful inhabitants of Misiones, a border region in northern Argentina, paint a portrait of this mythical territory.

Life Mixture

AWARDS: Best TV Project. INCAA/ Best Educative Video. Festival  Latinoamericano Video Rosario/ Best Mercosur Documentary. Festival Mercosur de Cine y Video Documental

OFFICIAL SELECTIONS: Festival Nacional de Documentales de Santa Fe/ Festival Latinoamericano de Video Rosario/ Mostra de Filmes Etnograficos de Rio de Janeiro/ Festival Contra el Silencio Todas las Voces/ Mostra de Video de la V Reuniao de Antropologia do Mercosul/RAM/ Muestra Nacional de Video Antropológico y Social INAPL/ atinamerika i Fokus, Malmö/ Forum Universal de las Culturas, Diálogo "Comunicación y Diversidad Cultural"/ Cine Latinoamericano sobre Derechos Humanos/ III Muestra de Documentales y Cine Social "La Imagen del Sur"/ Festival de Cine Científico Mercosur "CineCien"/ World Congress on Communication for Development/ I MOVE - Mostra de Video Etnografico, Universidade Federal de Goiás/ Ciclo “Cine por la Integración” – INCAA/ RECAM, Parlamento MERCOSUR/ I Festival Internacional Cine Tres Fronteras/ UNESCO Education Content Fund/ Videoteca Itinerante LA IMAGEN DEL SUR/

Life Mixture. A journey to a mythical border region in South America

These stories develop in Misiones, a territory of borderlands in Northeast Argentina. They spring and grow from the steady flow of its migrations, and the dynamic background of its cultures in contact.

The tell in their own voices, the little big conflict of crossing these borders in everyday life.

Ana Zanotti
Ana Zanotti Director

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Ana Zanotti

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