
  • 9 10
  • 2017
  • 30min
  • Original Title: Teenagers

This original documentary offers a window into the lives of high school students in Zagreb, revealing the complex interplay of culture, education, and media in shaping their identities.


Teenagers - Insightful, Provocative, Authentic

This innovative documentary delves into the complex tapestry of factors influencing teenage sexuality, featuring a candid exploration with teenagers from high schools in Zagreb, Croatia's vibrant capital. The film navigates through their narratives, societal norms, media portrayals, and educational frameworks, presenting a mosaic of experiences that shape their understanding and expression of sexuality. By juxtaposing diverse viewpoints and experiences, the documentary not only presents an authentic snapshot of teenage life in Zagreb but also poses critical questions about the external and internal forces molding young people's sexual identities.

Goran Markoš
Goran Markoš Director

Production Companies

Goran Markoš

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