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The Man Who Shot The Great War

  • 8.5 10
  • 2014
  • 59min
The Man Who Shot The Great War
  • Original Title: The Man Who Shot The Great War

In the midst of the chaos of the WWI war front, a brave soldier managed to photograph the harsh reality of that conflict. This compelling documentary will bring him out of anonymity.

The Man Who Shot The Great War

The Man Who Shot The Great War. The Mystery of the War Photographer

During World War I, taking photographs was illegal on the western front unless you were an official photographer. But there was one man who was able to travel through a variety of points along this front and document the war with his camera.

The aim of this documentary is to discover who this mysterious gentleman was. On the 3rd October 1915, Lance Corporal George Hackney set off for the Western Front of the First World War and took his camera with him. His photographs, unseen until now, captured how soldiers lived and died on the front line and the beginning of Hackney's own spiritual journey. 

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Producciones Doble Banda S.L.

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